The Call and Need to Support Immigrants
“Fear not!” Jesus shared this encouragement at least 26 times in the gospels. His encouragement is much needed today. Whether your church has families and individuals who are directly or indirectly impacted by the current state of our immigration system or not, fear and uncertainty abound. Fear of families facing unclear next steps, fear of loved ones being separated or deported, and concern from churches that are not sure how to help.
Regardless of where you stand on the immigration debate one command is clear: love your neighbor. When our neighbor is afraid, we need to be people of shalom and followers of the Prince of Peace.
There are practical next steps, from prayer to advocacy, that your church can take to support immigrant neighbors in need and provide a Matthew 25:35-type love. While no individual church can solve the whole problem, together the Church can work together to ensure people are treated with dignity and respect regardless of their status.
Next Steps for Your Church to Support Immigrant Neighbors and Church Family
Pray for Immigrants: The First Step in Showing Love and Care
As Christians, we must not underestimate the power of prayer. Administer Justice was founded on prayer, and we are committed to it.
Invite your church to pray both for your immigrant neighbors and our government leaders as they make important decisions affecting the laws in our nation. Perhaps write a prayer for the immigrant and refugees in your church and community or use resources from other organizations. The presence of pain and brokenness is not new, and the power of prayer of God’s people is not outdated. Pray.
Provide for the Immediate Needs of Immigrant Families
You may have many immigrants in your church, you may have none, or you may not even know. Levels of fear are high, and it may be difficult for some to fully share how they are being impacted.
If you do have immigrants in your church, reach out personally and see if they have any practical needs that you or the church can meet. Other options would be to partner with trusted organizations that can ensure the funds get to the people who need it most urgently. World Relief does great work that you can support immigrants financially or physically. Or explore if other local agencies are helping your specific community.
Learn, Educate, and Grow: Understanding Immigration Challenges
We all need helpful and trusted sources of information. In a time of partisan news and echo-chamber social media feeds it can feel like apathy is the easier route.
Find reputable sources and sign up for their newsletter. Read and hear from neighbors who are being impacted by decisions. Jesus invites us to get personal. He could have healed from a distance but always got close. Those who were untouchable, he touched. He spoke with outcasts, ate with sinners. As you have opportunity, get close to those who are hurting, listen, and learn from them. This is the heart of Administer Justice and why we partner with local churches in community.
When you learn, you grow in empathy and are better able to help when needs present themselves. The Workshop is a great opportunity to learn from World Relief. Or take a deep dive and learn about the immigration process and programs on or
Partner with Local Agencies to Support Immigrant Neighbors
There are agencies and organizations all over the country working to alleviate the needs and challenges immigration and refugee families face. Wherever you are, search your town or city for immigration support groups and plug in where work is happening. Get your church activated through partnerships or supply drives.
Legal Resources for Families Facing Immigration Uncertainty
The current situation may not allow for clear or straight answers to individuals and families facing status concerns or deportation fears. Getting legal help now before it’s an emergency situation could provide the support they need to overcome what happens next.
Immigration lawyers can be found through online search databases like A list of immigration hotlines, often state-specific, can be found here. We also have a page with important next steps for families needing a safety plan, KYR (Know Your Rights) information, or the establishment of child custody plans.
Unfortunately, there are people who prey on the current fear and will offer fraudulent help to immigrants that drain resources and create another crisis. While our Gospel Justice Centers (GJC) don’t specialize in immigration, nor can they provide representation, an appointment can help people determine what paths may or may not be available to them, interpret documents, and understand their rights. Many GJCs offer appointments with bi-lingual attorneys or interpreters. Most importantly, clients are welcomed, cared for, prayed over, and supported by a church-based volunteer team. As they sit with neighbors, hold hands, and get close they demonstrate how perfect love cast out fear.
Host a Gospel Justice Center to Show Love in Action
If your church is moved to provide the help of a lawyer and the hope of God’s love, hosting a Gospel Justice Center might be the next right step. You can provide life-changing legal aid and be the hands and feet of Jesus to neighbors who may not otherwise ever step foot in your doors.
Learn more about the steps to host a Gospel Justice Center at your church. To stay informed about hosting a Safety Plan workshop at your church to support immigrant neighbors, or other legal workshops we will be rolling out in the coming months, subscribe to our newsletter.
Advocate for Change on Behalf of Immigrants
While Administer Justice is called to love neighbors in personal community, there is a prophetic role for the church on a systemic level. Historically in our culture, the Church has had an important place as the voice for the voiceless, standing up for the dignity of all as image bearers of God.
Consider working with Christian advocacy groups. World Relief provides timely resources and steps for how to support immingrants on their advocate page as does Mennonite Central Committee, the Evangelical Immigration Table and others.
Jesus said all people will know we are his disciples, if we show love for one another. John 13:35. God’s people have great opportunity to demonstrate this love and share God’s peace with neighbors in need.