Invite an Attorney to Join You in Gospel Justice Ministry

We want to help you identify attorneys to join your team and use their gifts to provide pro bono brief advice and referral to neighbors in need. 

Review the ideas and resources below, download our Attorney Recruitment Process guide, share our Attorney page, and contact Judy Miller if you have questions or need help inviting attorneys into this legal ministry.

How to Find an Attorney?

There are several ways to identify an attorney in your church and community – these are a few of the proven methods other church leaders have used.

Personal Reachout
Do you know of any attorneys in your church? Do you know of any members in your church who have a family member or friend who is an attorney? Reach out to them and invite them to explore this opportunity.

Email Introduction Template [.docx]

Resources to Share with Attorneys

Attorneys will have very specific concerns and questions related to the rules and regulations of their profession. Do not feel you must have answers.

These questions and concerns are best addressed by the attorneys who have been active in this legal ministry. Point them to Administer Justice’s attorney resources and ask if you could connect them to Judy Miller via an email introduction.

Justice Made Simple [PDF]
Webpage for Attorneys [LINK]
Judy’s Calendly [LINK]
Attorney FAQs [PDF]
Serving at a GJC [PDF]
10-minute Explore Video for Attorneys [Video]

Other Ideas
Be visible, set up a table at a coffee fellowship.
Involve leadership, ministerial associations can help spread the word

Videos to Share

Attorney Testimonials

Lend a helping hand to someone looking for legal help

Want to help provide legal aid?

There are many ways to get involved. Learn more at the links below about how you can join the team providing legal help to people in need.